Think with Things Card Game is Here!
We are building a fantastic card game, and we can’t wait to share it with you! My son (Eliot) and I have created a SUPER COOL deck of cards that EVERYONE can play with EVERYTHING! We have redesigned classic card games and added the Think with Things method of using found objects in learning, training and playing. Plus, we designed a few new games.
The beauty of this game is…
that it allows you to play either only with cards or search around your environment for found objects; we call THINGS and add them to the game.
THINGS celebrates the idea that one person's trash is another person's treasure!
The game includes 52 colourful cards, each with a different THING (found object). These objects are literally meant for the trash in most cases. They are small lost toys, parts of toys or games, bottle tops, corks, buttons, screws and other small bits typically found in a junk drawer or under a sofa.
We love to share all the powers THINGS have in helping individuals and groups make their thinking visible. Below is Topper (he is on a green card); he is fantastic if you look at all his Talents, yet he also has some challenges. Topper represents the individual that THINGS work best for! Although they are for EVERYONE, they do have a remarkable effect on those who seem not to fit in!
We love celebrating these diverse and beautiful attributes of EVERY PERSON and EVERY THING!
The Deck
52 Beautiful cards, each one with its own unique THING or THINGS (Jokers have a pile of THINGS)
48 coloured cards plus 3 Jokers and 1 Angel Card
Each card has a number that represents its power
They also include one of three signals (Link, Move, Life)
We also include references to the material the THING is made of. This can be used in the FIND IT game or in making your own game.
At the bottom is a unique inspirational quote that links to the object, its colour, function, material, etc
There are 8 colours and 6 cards of each colour, two cards of the same signal in each colour!
The Games
All included games can be played alone or in a large group of any age and ability. A few games will need you to search, collect and use real found objects; THINGS to accomplish the game’s goals. All objects can be found in almost every house, office or classroom. THINGS have great potential to help people Think’ to visually explain ideas, problems and solutions.
The most critical actors in these games are you, the players. We are happy to say that almost everyone can play these games over the age of three years. We have worked for many years with the method of ‘thinking with things' and have seen them work wonders in various settings. In preschools, with autistic students, helping dyslexia students produce amazing stories, young adults tackle difficult issues, business teams solve complex problems, and families and friends relax and share and foster reminiscing with the elderly, helping them feel young again.
There are 12 games in each box, but there is an unlimited number of games you can invent and play!
We have included games in three categories. Great classic games with a minor tweak and active games force you to move, find objects and design and share. Lastly, social games are fun in groups and are really great for communication and sharing experiences and ideas.