Turn ordinary THINGS into Extraordinary Solutions
Play workshops for Business & Education

Think with Things is…
an innovative hands-on approach that uses found objects (loose parts) to make abstract ideas tangible and visual. We help educators, businesses, parents and elderly carers see great potential in everyday things around them.
Guardian of the Idea
Hi! I am Jules
In 2006 I discovered the power of ‘Things’ in problem-solving & design thinking by sheer luck.
I have tried to explain the concept/method as much as possible on this site. If you still have questions, I would love to hear from you. Let me know if you would like to bring Think with Things into your business, organisation or school.
Connect, Create, Collaborate!
Your team deserves a tool that brings them together and unlocks their potential! The Business Catalyst Card Deck does just that—through playful interactions, creative prompts, and meaningful conversations.
Introducing THINGS LAB APP
A creative mentor in your pocket unlocking creativity through the power of found objects. The THINGS LAB App is the best way to apply the Think with Things method. It is the ultimate creative catalyst hub designed for business leaders, educators, parents, and elderly carers.Unleash your imagination and transform your world through play, innovation, and collaboration.
Empowering Thinking with everyTHING everyWHERE!
Featured In-Person
Creative Thinking Workshop
Chain Reaction
After COVID, we all needed to reconnect with our teammates and community. Most importantly, we must reconnect with ourselves, with our creativity and problem-solving skills. This new workshop will help your team regain their spirit and confidence in working together to solve the seemingly impossible task.
The video is from a European Commission group of 80 people. This workshop can be done with teams between 10 and 200+.
In-Person Workshops
Solve a Serious Challenge
Equip your team with valuable skills for tackling real issues and making them visible. Whether in the business world or an educational setting, this transformative experience enhances your problem-solving abilities, creating impactful solutions.
Design a Game
Discover the art of game design and ignite your team’s innovative spirit. Dive into the world of immersive problem-solving, and leave with a unique tabletop game ready to inspire change.
Discover your Superpowers
Delve into your strengths and unearth your team’s hidden potential. This engaging workshop fosters personal growth and enhances team relationships through the enchanting world of found objects.
What People Are Saying
“Our team of 16 did the Problem/Solution day workshop. By lunch, I told the TwT team if we solve just 1 of these 6 problems I will be elated. By the end of the day, we had 6 viable solutions we all agreed to move forward with. Absolutely amazing, engaging and the best part was that we where all full of energy after a day workshop, which isn’t the case normally.”
— Daniel (EU commission)
“We were very happy with your performance and what we have learnt during your online session. You really opened us new and interesting perspectives in our everyday work with our children. Thank you again, and not only for this but also for your flexibility and kindness.
— Mihaela (Eeb 4 School)
“It was a pleasure for us as well to meet you and see you in action. My colleagues gave me very positive feedback and the students enjoyed it very much. It was a perfect energizer after a long day. I have already shared the experience with the team so that we can consider your workshops for future innovation camps for students or teacher training.”
— Judit (JA Europe)
Play is important work!
What is it about play that’s so inviting? How can we allow play into our daily routines — especially in an over-scheduled, anxious environment, and especially when work schedules are hectic?
Ben Mardell, a researcher, educator, and expert on play and development, says, “My take is that any activity can be play or not play. The secret sauce is playfulness — the ability to see a situation, be curious about it, realize it can be enjoyable, and take agency over it. “ Read More about the importance of play!
Why is Play important in business teams?
Play is one of the essential skills adults should engage in regularly. It can increase creativity, reduce stress (thus, increase performance) and improve overall mood and productivity. The act of playing like you did as a child could be the difference between failure and success.
Reconnecting with play will help you succeed!
Video from Challenge/Solution Business Workshop with 25 people.

Think with Your Hands
Beyond our workshops described on this site, we offer bespoke services that meet any need.
in Trainings
Our adult workshops are fun and engaging with focus on connecting through play!
at Events
We loved to disrupt the norm and during events we are experts at engaging attendees!
with students
From 3-18 there is always room for play, creative thinking and problem solving!
as coaching
One on one sessions help find your creative spirit and create a new path!
Join us on Instagram

“Creativity involves breaking out of expected patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”
— Edward de Bono
Things as Thinking Tools in Education
In 2015, we collaborated with Unicef, offering many free workshops to schools. Below is a small video we made at one of the schools where we did a Storytelling workshop.
THINGS, the card game!
The beauty of this game is that it allows you to play either only with cards or search around your environment for found objects; we call THINGS and add them to the game.
THINGS celebrates the idea that one person's trash is another person's treasure!
Creativity is Intelligence Having Fun! —Einstein
Our photo-album of past PLAY is bursting and we would love to add your event to the mix!
Think with Things was founded in 2014 as part of an accelerator. What started as a small idea tested in Turtlewings Studio many years ago has grown into courses and workshops worldwide. Please look at some of our great projects and workshops over the past 6+ years.
Getting ready for Maker Fair
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Problem Solving Corporate Training 2019
Nursery Storytelling with Looseparts 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Importance of Play in Business 2019
Importance of Play in Business 2019
Problem Solving Corporate Training 2019
Nursery Storytelling with Looseparts 2019
Nursery Storytelling with Looseparts 2019
Importance of Play in Business 2019
Problem Solving Corporate Training 2019
Problem Solving Corporate Training 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Storytelling with the European Commison
Importance of Play in Business 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Problem Solving Corporate Training 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Maker Fair 2019
Design Thinking Academy
Professional Development Teaching College
Problem Solving Workshop 2018
Problem Solving Workshop 2018
Professional Development Teaching College
Professional Development Teaching College
Professional Development Teaching College
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Museum Week long training in Sharjah UAE 2016
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Museum Week long training in Sharjah UAE 2016
Problem Solving Workshop 2019
Storytelling with the European Commisson
Storytelling with the European Commisson
Storytelling with the European Commisson
150 people away day with the European Commission
Toyota Europe Family Day 2018
Toyota Europe Family Day 2018
Toyota Europe Family Day 2018
Toyota Europe Family Day 2018
Toyota Europe Family Day 2018
Museum Forward Thinking Training 2017
Museum Forward Thinking Training 2017
Creative Thinking Meeting Booster 2018
Bozar Family Day 2017
Primary Educators PD-Amsterdam 2018
Primary Educators PD-Amsterdam 2018
Primary Educators PD-Amsterdam 2018
JAA Youth storytelling 2018
JAA Youth storytelling 2018
JAA Youth storytelling 2018
Teasers for a Talk: Importance of Play in Business
Creative Trainers Workshop-Amsterdam
Creative Trainers Workshop-Amsterdam